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eSports Logo Design Course by Derrick Stratton
Section 1:
Introduction Video (10:30)
Logo Guidelines & Tips (16:42)
Design Brief & Project Goals (39:33)
Section 2: Reference Images & Mood Boards
Reference Images & Mood Boards (28:25)
Section 3: Sketching & Drafting
Keys of Sketching (131:16)
Sketching Method 1 (58:03)
Sketching Method 2 (15:06)
Basics of Adobe Illustrator (34:09)
Drafting with Adobe Illustrator (47:52)
Section 4: Digital Execution
Outlining (29:32)
Color (15:38)
Wordmark Tips (12:11)
Wordmark Design (37:45)
Section 5: Finalisation
Copyright & Logo Breakdown (11:28)
Basic File Creation (6:27)
Basic File Creation Part 2 (52:07)
Section 6: Presentations
Basic Presentation Image (31:29)
Full Presentation Project (177:09)
Section 7: Identity Designs
Jersey Designs (95:02)
Social Media Designs (103:30)
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